

This is a fan made web site for bassist, composer, producer and record company director Jonas Reingold. From fretted to fretless bass, from melodic symphonic and progressive rock to progmetal, classic rock, sophisticated jazz rock and fusion, Jonas brings all styles to a level where his bass goes beyond simply being a rhythm instrument. He brings his bass up front to be a lead instrument.

Jonas has recorded with numerous musicians, and he tours regularly – to date he has performed over 3,000 live shows. Check out his own website JonasReingold.se, find out about the latest news, tour dates and some releases he has worked on. Also check hist Facebook group and join his network of friends.

This site has been set up with permission and cooperation of Jonas Reingold to provide a comprehensive overview of his gigantic production as a musician, composer and producer. The administration is done by Cygnus X-2112.


Pictures and articles are credited with the respective owner if necessary. Text and photos may not be used without permission of the owner.

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